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How YouTube Can Help in Learning

How YouTube Can Help in Learning

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YouTube is used by everyone: adults, teenagers, the youngest children, and the elderly. There are several reasons for the popularity of this social network.

Firstly, YouTube is easy to use. With a wide range of search settings, you can easily find any video, save it for later viewing or share it on another social network.

Secondly, YouTube content is really large-scale. There are videos available on various topics: entertainment, education, reviews of books and movies, music videos, dance recordings, ideas for any endeavor, and it’s not the end.

Educational YouTube

In this article, we will talk about the benefits of the YouTube educational segment, and how to use YouTube as a learning app. To begin with, let’s find out why learning on YouTube is becoming more popular. We have already mentioned the first reason in passing before – the variety of topics is really impressive. On YouTube, you can learn history and physics, mathematics, and English, as well as learn how to fish or make repairs.

The second reason is related to the entertaining functioning of YouTube. Because this social network is, above all, recreational, all educational videos have an entertaining format. This means that learning will no longer be boring.


Why YouTube?

One of the most important advantages of YouTube is that it is available from any device, so you can search for videos both at home when preparing for a lesson, just before the lesson, or at any time you need to find an explanation of a phenomenon or concept.

Two Ways to Use YouTube

We want to focus on the fact that the educational aspect of YouTube can be used in two ways: as a student and as a teacher. We will talk about both in detail because many students also work as tutors, so it will be useful for them.

YouTube for Teachers

Additional Materials

YouTube is a great source of additional materials for your lessons. You can find a video accompaniment to any topic or illustration of a statement. You can also find videos with full explanations there.

For example, if you are an English tutor and you work with small kids, you can use the Super Simple Song channel to find songs for many topics and for different occasions. Another option is the ClubEnglish channel, which offers additional materials for various topics both for young learners and for adults.

YouTube As a Place of Teaching

The digitalization of the educational sphere has created an opportunity for teachers to switch from the usual teaching in educational institutions to online learning. In particular, numerous expert teachers have created their own YouTube channels, where they publish videos on their subject.

This is a very creative idea because you need to consider not only the material itself but also how you present it. Let’s take the ETJ English channel as an example. Eliot is a pronunciation teacher. His YouTube channel is an additional platform because he sells his courses online.

So, in these two ways, teachers can use YouTube to teach. Now, let’s talk about how any user, especially a student, can use this social network to learn.

YouTube for Students

Source of Ideas for Essays

Writing a creative essay can be difficult, especially when you have no ideas at all. Of course, you can use the services of online essay writing. However, if you want to write it yourself, the quickest way to come up with something is to watch a video on the subject.

The advantage of YouTube in this aspect is undeniable. It is that you can find a lot of videos here, both serious educational content and life videos. Vloggers usually think through their videos in detail, so there will be jokes, everyday life stories, and references to movies or books that you can use as examples for your essay. 

Take a look at Sierra Schultzzie’s channel, where she makes videos about her life, plus-size fashion, body positivity, and more. You can learn about the current situation with tolerance to plus-size models and feminism. Don’t miss Chris Rogers’s channel about traveling. He shows mesmerizing landscapes and gives a lot of information about different countries.  

Clarify What You Did Not Understand In Class

Those, whose teachers are able to explain the material well and clearly, are very lucky. Unfortunately, it happens that you can’t understand a topic, no matter what you do, and no matter how many times you ask the teacher for explanations.

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This is exactly the moment when you should use YouTube. Its huge advantage over the explanation of one teacher is that in this social network you will find several videos from different people. If there are different speakers, there are different explanations, that is, you are more likely to understand the material if you explain it in a different way.

CrashCourse is probably one of the most popular channels among students. You can find additional information for every subject there.

Illustration for Report

Students often get the task of making a project and then presenting it. Of course, the most creative way will be to shoot your own video or show everything in class live; however, this is time-consuming and therefore, few students actually resort to it. Most often, they look for a video on YouTube that best illustrates their project. Fortunately, the platform has so many videos that it is not difficult to find the perfect one.

Teachers welcome this video illustration. Firstly, they see that the student has understood the topic because to find an accurate video, you need to know what to look for. Secondly, if students show videos to each other, teachers can be sure that everyone masters the material.

For example, if you study psychology or social science, take a look at The School of Life channel. There are different videos about human relationships. 

Additional Learning

We have already mentioned this advantage of YouTube, so here we give the details briefly. If you study biology as a major in college, but you are interested in learning Spanish, YouTube will be your personal tutor. You can monitor different YouTube teachers and find the one that suits you best or hire an already verified Preply Spanish tutor. This approach can be applied to any field of knowledge.

Here are some suggestions for different fields of knowledge: Super Easy Math, Eyes on the Sky, Simple History, Create WP Site, etc.

Books Review

If you study literature, but you don’t have time to read every book you need for your classes, you can find video-retelling of almost any book on YouTube. On A Clockwork Reader channel, you will find not only retelling but also book recommendations and life hacks for how to read better and more.

In addition to the above ways to use YouTube to gain knowledge about hand-made, DIY, household items, daily affairs, etc. The main thing is to know exactly what you are looking for!

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