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How to Make Your IGTV Content Perform at Max?

How to Make Your IGTV Content Perform at Max?

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Did you know that people trust information from vertical videos better? Psychologists explain this by the fact that most of us send videos to our loved ones in the very same format. What is more important, it’s easier to watch vertical videos on mobile devices since you do not have to turn the phone over. Besides that, Wibbitz noticed that vertical videos get more engagement, unique views, and clicks compared to other formats. Vertical videos result in better watch time and have a 90% completion rate.

With that in mind, it is no wonder that more and more brands are incorporating IGTV into their marketing strategy with good results. Many well-known bloggers and top business accounts are already using IGTV with might and main. There are videos that collect more than 1 million views, which once again proves the marketing power of IGTV. But how to become one of those whose IGTV content gathers a multi-million audience? There are two things to check upon.

#1 – Stick to IGTV Video Requirements

Instagram asks users to follow seven rules when uploading videos to IGTV:

  • Video duration. One of the main requirements is that the video must last at least a minute. No matter how cool a video you have, the social network will not allow you to upload it if it is too short;
  • Video file type. The video must be in the MP4 format in order to be uploaded to IGTV;
  • Video format. You don’t necessarily need to upload only vertical videos to IGTV. It is important to consider the following parameters: for horizontal videos, the aspect ratio should be 16: 9, while vertical videos require the 9:16 aspect ratio;
  • Frame rate. The minimum frame frequency is 30 frames per second, and the resolution should be no less than 720 pixels;
  • File size. If the video is less than 10 minutes long, its maximum size should be 650 MB. For 60-minute videos, the size should not exceed 3.6 GB;
  • Size of a video cover. Want to set a cover for your video? Please note that the recommended image size is 420 x 654 pixels, and the file should be in a JPG format. Keep in mind that Instagram does not yet offer the feature to edit the cover photo after uploading. So fine-tune it before you upload it to the platform;
  • Compliance with general standards. Instagram also asks its users to comply with community norms; otherwise, offensive video deletions and account blocking do not happen.

So if you are working on video content for IGTV, then you should ensure it meets all general platform requirements. In the Movavi Blog, you will find a lot of useful information on how to work with different multimedia and produce video content of outstanding quality. 

#2 – IGTV Content

In order to reach high rankings in IGTV charts with your video clips, you should take care only of technical requirements but also the contents of your multimedia. Nobody will watch boring videos no matter how well they are produced – believe us. As practice shows, the following four video types score the highest on IGTV.


People are always looking for free training or educational materials. So you can use this trend when working on your video content for IGTV. You can make videos with step-by-step analysis and explanations; these can also be online workshops run by KOL’s or recognized experts in a specific field. As an alternative solution, you can create videos about your products or services, experimenting with different genres and themes.


Users are curious to watch someone else’s reaction, emotions, history, which is why interviews are so popular today. Moreover, interviews can be conducted not only with experts or famous people. It will be interesting if the company asks customers some questions about a product or service, giving them the opportunity to answer exactly what they think. As a rule, such IGTV videos collect multi-million views.

Funny Videos

What will the audience always be interested in? Of course, funny videos! It can be just anything: reactions, sketches, or even pranks. Funny videos can be associated with your products. For example, BuzzFeed people have recently filmed a video where people compare cheap and expensive pizza and discuss which tastes better.

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Authentic Content

Come up with unique content that will relate to your business. There are no restrictions: publish hour-long videos on various topics once a week, create your own art series, or make short, engaging clips. What is important is that the content is really high-quality and interesting for your target audience, reflects your brand, its ideas, and values.

Final Say!

Since its launch, IGTV has proven to be an effective tool for demonstrating to the world what you have to offer. Watching videos on Instagram is becoming a daily activity for millions of users. Since they play automatically, you are much more likely to reach a larger audience. On top of that, the fact that you can download videos in vertical format makes viewing even more convenient for mobile users.

Working with IGTV is not as difficult as it might seem at first. The most important thing is to stick to the requirements of the platform. In this case, you will not have any problems with using the IGTV channel. In case you want to promote your multimedia, then do not be afraid to experiment with the content and look at the audience’s response. Try different rubrics, check what your competitors do, and communicate with your audience. And you will definitely succeed!

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